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GCSE Equivalency Tests

At the York Private Tutors, our main goal is to assist people of all ages with a wide range of different qualifications. This includes both helping people revise for the exams, and ensuring that you are fully informed regarding each. It can be difficult to decide which type of qualification you need for your situation. With there is a wide range of different choices, all with their positives and negatives. The qualification type we will be focusing on today will be the GCSE equivalency.

This qualification is best suited for someone who is aiming to get into teaching, midwifery, nursing, and other similar paths. It is by far, one of the best options for people aiming to get into teacher training, and benefits from allowing you to get a mark higher than a C. Unlike the Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications. It also benefits from having 4 different subjects that you can take the exams in. These subjects are Maths, English, Combined Science, and Biology.

Out of all the GCSE equivalencies test providers, A Star Equivalency is by far the best choice to go with. As it is one of 2 providers that are accepted by all major universities in the UK. They achieve this by working closely with different UK exam boards. Building the exams on specifications set out by exam boards like AQA and Edexcel.

At the York Private Tutors, we want to ensure that you make an informed choice regarding the qualification type you wish to do. If you are unsure, have any questions, or want tutoring to prepare for your exam. Feel free to contact us!


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